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PhD Advisors



He is a professor and a tutor of PhD student in School of IoT (Internet of Things) Engineering, Jiangnan University (JNU).  The main research interests are Cooperated Control, Pattern Recognition and Visual Sensor Networks. He is a member of China Computer Association, China Artificial Intelligent Association and China Wireless Sensor Network Academic Committee. His doctoral degree was from School of Information Engineering, University of Sci.&Tech. of Beijing (USTB) in June 22,2002. His master degree was from Department of automatic control, Northeastern University (NEU) in April 4,1996. His bachelor degree was from Automation department, Hebei Institute of technology (HEUT) in July 12,1989. He was a senior visiting scholar with school of Electronic and Computer Engineering in University of South Wales, UK from July 2014 to January 2015 and a normal visiting scholar with Ryerson University of Canada from December 2004 to December 2005. He was responsible to the Funding Project by China National Nature Science Foundation Dynamic Visual Sensor Network(60973095) in 2009 and other projects about control and Internet of Things. He and his nearly eighty students published two hundred papers.

Selected publications

1) Li YunjiPeng Li , Wen Chen. An energy-efficient data transmission scheme for remote state estimation and applications to a water-tank system. ISA Transactions. 2017,70:494–501. (SCI).

2) Li Yunji and Peng Li. Event-triggered sensor data transmission policy for receding horizon recursive state estimation. Journal of Algorithms &Computational Technology. 2017,11(2): 178–185.

3) Liu Quansheng, Xu Min and Peng Li. Distributed event-triggered scheme for discrete-time second-order multi-agent systems. Journal of Algorithms &Computational Technology.2017,11(1): 83–92.

4) 谢承翰,陆赛杰,王皓,彭力.无线传感器网络中基于事件驱动的输出反馈控制. 计算机研究与发展, 2017,54 (11): 2639-2645.

5) Wen Jiwei, Nguang Sing Kiong, Shi,Peng Li Peng. Finite-time stabilization of Markovian jump delay systems - A switching control approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2017, 27(2): 298-318. (SCI).

6) Wen,Jiwei, Peng Li. Switching predictive control for continuous-time Markovian jump delay systems. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2017, 15(3): 1040-1050.

7) Wen Jiwei, Nguang Sing Kiong, Shi Peng, Nasiri Alireza. Robust H∞ control of discrete-time non- homogenous Markovian jump systems via multi-step Lyapunov function approach.  IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,2017, 47(7): 1439-1450. (SCI).

8) Xie Yun, Wen Jiwei, Nguang Sing Kiong and Peng Li. Stability, l2-gain and robust H∞ control for switched systems via N-step ahead Lyapunov function approach. IEEE Access, 2017, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2771455(SCI).

9) Oke Paul , Nguang Sing Kiong and Wen Jiwei. H∞ dynamic output feedback control for independently driven four-wheel electric vehicles with differential speed steering. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation2016, 567-572.

10) Liu Quansheng, Huang Chongpeng , Peng Li. Distributed consensus strong tracking filter for wireless sensor networks with model mismatches. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2017, 13(11):312-325(SCI).

11) Qiu Chuanxu, Wen Jiwei and Peng Li. Stabilization and H∞ control for networked control system with random time-delay. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2017, 291-296.

12) Quan Yue, Chen Wen, Wu Zhihai, Peng Li. Distributed fault detection for second-order delayed multi-agent systems with adversaries[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 5:16478-16483. (SCI)

13) Quan Yue, Chen Wen, Wu Zhihai, Peng Li. Observer-based distributed fault detection and isolation for heterogeneous discrete-time multi-agent systems with disturbances[J]. IEEE Access, 2016, 4:4652-4658.(SCI)

14) Zhihai Wu, Li Peng, Linbo Xie and Jiwei Wen, Stochastic bounded consensus tracking of second-order multi-agent systems with measurement noises based on sampled-data with small sampling delay, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2014, 12(1): 1-13.

15) Wen Jiwei, Peng Li, Nguang S K, Receding Horizon Control for Constrained Jump Bilinear Systems,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2012, 8(12): 8501-8514.

16) Zhihai Wu, Li Peng, Linbo Xie and Jiwei Wen, Stochastic Bounded Consensus Tracking of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Measurement Noises and Sampled-Data, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2012, 68(3-4): 261-273.

17) X.Z. Jin, G.H. Yang, L. Peng, Robust adaptive tracking control of distributed delay systems with actuator and communication failures, Asian Journal of Control, 14(5), pp.1282-1298 , 2012(SCI).

18) Long Zhao, Li Peng. Coverage algorithm for multiple nodes cooperation in Visual sensor networks. Journal of Computer Science[J],2011,37(2):108-110.

19) Li Peng, Maohai Wang, Jiaping DuIsolation Niches Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Traffic Lights Controlling[C].48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference. Shanghai, December 2009:3318-3322.

20) Wei Wang, Li Peng. Chaos particle swarm optimization combined with isolation niche, System Engineering and Electronic Technique, 2008,30(6):1151-1154

21) Li Peng, Junhua Li. A Facial Expression Recognition Method Based on Quantum Neural Networks[C].2007 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2007), Oct 2007: 993-996.

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